Dream Home Search

Our friendly, local, trustworthy agents can help you with this purchase.

We can make recommendations on inspectors, lenders, plumbers, electricians, handymen, movers, and a list of other contractors.
We can send you automatic email notifications when new listings and/or price changes are emailed to you daily or weekly. This allows you to stay one step ahead so you can be the first to get those good deals!
We can show you any homes which are listed on MLS.
We can do a comparable market analysis for you finding similar properties which are actively for sale, pending, and which have sold recently.
We can compose the offer when you find a home on which you want to make an offer.
We will provide all the contracts and documentation to your lender, title, and the listing agent once you have accepted an offer.
We will help you coordinate a home inspection and then help you reply with an inspection contingency release or cancellation of the contract if you aren’t happy with the inspection.
We will review the closing statements and verify accuracy.
PLUS... We will give you 20% of the selling side brokerage fee at the close of escrow. On a $500,000 house that pays a 3% brokerage fee, your Garden Valley Homes and Land agent will give you $3000 towards closing costs.

Garden Valley Homes & Land
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Garden Valley Homes & Land

Call: 208 462-6102

288 Village Circle Garden Valley, Id 83622

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